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Stacy K….Involved and Inspiring

If staying engaged and involved is the key to improved health and wellness, Stacy K., 56, is committed to making the most of a myriad of opportunities and activities provided by DePaul’s Recreation Program. A regular at the day program, she also participates in activities sponsored by Recreation at her home, Edgerton Square, a DePaul Community Residence–Single Room Occupancy Program in Rochester, New York.

Stacy K DePaul Annual Report 2018

Her sunny smile flashes as Stacy animatedly talks about her favorite craft activities which include collages, latch hook creations and coloring. In addition, she enjoys outings, cards and a good game of bocce. At Edgerton Square, she attends parties and bingo and looks forward to spending weekends with her mom where she walks, gardens, goes swimming, sees her brothers and their families, and sometimes bakes wonderful treats like a pineapple upside down cake.

Stacy always has something positive to say about her nearly 20 years at DePaul. “I am a better person because of the people at DePaul,” she said. “The meals are good and there are very nice people here who have really helped in my recovery.”

With an eye toward the future, Stacy is dedicated to “working on things” including the possibility of moving to a more independent setting. One thing’s for sure – she will remain a mainstay of the Recreation Program, cultivating her creativity and doing things that make her happy.