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Home is Where the Heart is at Trolley Station Apartments

February 17, 2023  (Canandaigua, NY) ─ It’s been a festive February at the Trolley Station Apartments in Canandaigua.


Residents recently sampled homemade soup made by staff and voted on their favorite during a ‘Souper Bowl’ gathering. Pictured top left, Maintenance Specialist Philip Durso, Supported Housing Specialist Elizabeth Wiatrowski and Property Manager Melissa Dymond prepared chicken noodle, beefy spinach, and lasagna soup for the competition. Melissa’s lasagna soup was declared the winner.

Pictured above in the middle, Marilyn Moore completes a heart wreath craft and pictured top right, Resident Aide Michelle Lohr, Christina Luongo and Barbara H. dressed up for National Wear Red Day in honor of American Heart Month.

For more information about the Trolley Station Apartments, visit Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Income and occupancy requirements apply. An application can be found here.