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More than Manicures (Woodridge)

October 15, 2014 (Monroe, NC) ─ You can’t feel your best if you don’t look your best! That’s something licensed beautician Fran Carran knows and it’s one of the reasons she volunteers to give manicures to the residents at Woodridge Assisted Living and Memory Care, a DePaul Senior Living Community in Monroe.

volunteer Etta Helms (on left) chats with Woodridge resident Fred Gibbs while Fran Carran gives Hazel Williams a manicure

Pictured here, another volunteer Etta Helms (on left) chats with Woodridge resident Fred Gibbs while Fran Carran gives Hazel Williams a manicure.

A licensed beautician, Carran would regularly do her mother Clara’s hair and nails when she lived at Woodridge. After her mother passed away two years ago, Carran decided to continue to visit as a volunteer, giving manicures to the residents at Woodridge.

“It just gives me a warm feeling spending time with older people because I was kind of raised with my grandparents, so I have the gift to be around older people,” she said. “There’s just something about them.”

Carran comes in once a week, sometimes giving upwards of 12 manicures during each visit. For more information about Woodridge, please contact Administrator Janis Carroll at (704) 225-0011 or visit us on Facebook.